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46 livros gratuitos de Edgar Allan Poe

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Long hair

Cabelos longos ~~ That long hair

    Nowadays with appliques is difficult to rely on having a long hair, besides the ease of appliques, removing and putting. Can be removed and when they need to bother arises again. 
    I selected some photos of people with long hair and some that perhaps are using appliques. But they are beautiful anyway. 
In times past it was very glamorous and luck has a long and well-kept hair, because there were no modernities that could radically change the hair as today.
    In times past, it was very glamorous and luck has a long and well-kept hair, because there was modernities that could radically change the hair as today.

    Hydration helps in hair growth process and cutting small tips and split ends, because the nutrient that should get the fiber is not enough, so you must make a 3 tips repair in 3 months as needed, take care not to overdo it in the chemical, dryer and flat iron that damage and dry the hair with extreme heat.

  Hoje em dia com apliques é difícil confiar em ter um cabelo longo, além da facilidade de apliques, retirando e colocando. Pode ser removido e quando eles precisam se preocupar surge novamente.
Selecionei algumas fotos de pessoas com cabelos longos e alguns que talvez estejam usando apliques.Mas eles são bonitos de qualquer maneira.

  Em tempos passados, era muito glamourosa e sorte tem um cabelo longo e bem-conservado, porque não havia modernidades que poderiam mudar radicalmente o cabelo como hoje.
   A hidratação auxilia no processo de crescimento do cabelo, bem como corte de pequenas pontas e pontas duplas, pois o nutriente que deveria chegar na fibra não chega, portanto deve-se fazer uma reparação de pontas de 3 em 3 meses, conforme a necessidade, bem como cuidado com química, secador e chapinha que danificam e secam o cabelo com o calor extremo.

Sources: Hairfinder


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